All natural and scientific-back formulas for your body needs

Our Pride Cissus Lite

We are the one and only formulator of this fantastic weight loss formula that is unique and special, from

helping you lose extra body fat to maintaining your body fluids. This amazing Cissus Lite Liquid or Powder

is a must-add-on to your diet plan.






Obsessed, in a good way

We make products we want to take. We also make products for our sisters, brothers, friends, and mothers. That might explain why we’re so committed to the highest standard of quality.

Thoughtfully curated products

We introduce products when we feel they meet our strict principles of quality, transparency, and efficacy. We will never claim to have the widest assortment; others can stock thousands of products. Our curated selection allows us to be deliberate with regards to scientific backing and ingredient supply chain. It allows us to ensure all of our products are properly tested and verified..

formulated with care

We create products that are as effective for your body as possible. That starts with research: we choose ingredients based on the science that backs them up. Then we take care to use the forms of each nutrient that are easiest for the body to digest and absorb.

Science-Backed Formulas

Our in-house naturopathic doctors, formulation experts, and nutritionists are behind everything we do

Quality First

Quality means working together at every step to ensure we bring you exceptional products to support your wellness journey

Natural Ingredients

Our scientists constantly innovate, bringing the best of nature into the finest formulas.

Fresh from the source

Our research and development team has traveled the globe, forging relationships with farmers and suppliers as committed to quality, ethical harvesting methods, and sustainability as we are. We take sourcing seriously because ingredient quality influences potency and bioavailability. ensure all of our products are properly tested and verified..

Testing 1, 2, 3

We take testing seriously. All of our products are tested three times throughout our supply chain. Once, when we receive ingredients, again during manufacturing, with further third-party testing on finished products. This approach ensures our products meet exacting specifications, and that they’re safe. All raw materials and finished products are tested in the United States.